Scosche sneakPEAK Audio/Video Cable for iPad Buy new: Too low to display / Used from: $17.85
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I had previously bought a no-name non-licensed super cheap A/V for my 1st gen iPod Touch, it worked great (just like this one), but after upgrading the OS to 3.0 it stopped working ("This accessory not supported by this iPod" error). That's the lesson I learned from buying non-licensed Apple accessories (fortunately it was a cheap lesson).
Committed to not paying the outrageous sum of 50 dollars for the Apple av cable (since I knew they could make them for less than $5), I started to look for the cheapest licensed cable. The Scosche fit the bill for about half of the Apple cable (although a lot more than the generic and without the charging feature of either). A compromise... yes, but I really like to be able to share photos and videos when on the road, and the ability to watch movies on the TV is nice too.
With the iPod touch and this cable, you can: play movies, video podcasts, and photo slideshows.
You can NOT with this and the iPod touch: display the current screen (I don't think any do), pick a single photo from the gallery (you need to start the show and go next... next... next... until you get there) and you can't play plain music (you could get a headphone to RCA adapter cheap though if that's what you wanted to do).
I've since upgraded again to 3.1.1 and it still works. Overall I'd give it a 4 1/2 stars because I wish it would let me do the other things and was a bit cheaper, but it does the most important things well and is cheaper than most of the alternatives.
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